Monday, July 04, 2005


Imdb is a MUST for anyone who is into film/TV. Have you ever watched something and been tortured through the entire movie as you’ve recognised a face but can’t place where you have seen him/her before??? Well Imdb is just a huge data base of film and TV, you can punch in any actor/actresses name and up comes all their details and exactly what they have been in….. SWEET!

Every now and then I re-visit and wonder why I had forgotten about it – it’s invaluable! It’s also great for teenage girls to make sure they have seen every movie (however bad!) which stars their current pin up…. Hmmm. I think I’m getting old making comments like that!



At 10:13 pm , Blogger Alana said...

I totally love that site too - it's so handy when it's driving you nuts that you can't think of what someone's been in before.

At 4:08 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

We use it sometimes too, but I sort of have a little imdb in my head- it's my one talent!


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