Saturday, June 25, 2005

Favourite TV series

Maybe we’ve been growing up lately, it seems like we are much less likely to sit and skim through TV in order to find something watchable – instead we have really gotten into certain TV series, and do our best to record them or buy them.

24 of course is one of the biggest favourites of mine. I LOVE the real time drama, and the incredible pace it manages to maintain throughout the 24 episodes – I am almost desperate for the 4th series to come out to buy in the next few weeks, and even though we’re flat broke – I will be buying it! (As we have the first 3 series I have been re-visiting series one to fill the void) It has been the making of Kiefer Sutherland, who it had seemed was just going to disappear into oblivion after a real career dry spell.

‘House’ is a new one, with Hugh Laurie persisting with an American accent and an ex Neighbours cast member – odd mix. But this grumpy Doctor, who seems to have quite an aversion to patients is actually rather watchable (Channel 5, 10pm, Thursday’s)

Law & Order Criminal Intent is another, Vincent D’onofrio is fabulous as a ‘cop’ who uses psychology and body language (among other things) to track down criminals. His Partner, detective Eames,  also is a very strong character. Compelling, if a little grisly every now and then (not as bad as all the CSI’s though!)

Malcolm In The Middle is a must for a little light relief – especially for parents, no kids can be as bad as these are!!!!!!!!!!! I have however banned my kids from watching it, I figure they will learn how to be sneaky and naughty all by themselves – they don’t need ideas!!!!! The trouble with this show is that you can only buy the first season (which we have) and are lucky if you can catch it on TV, it’s always on at awkward times, or we find out it’s on when they stop showing it…. Gggrrr.

So, if you’re stuck for something to watch perhaps have a go with one (or more) of those. I will not be held responsible for 24 addiction though!




At 1:27 pm , Blogger Alana said...

Must say I've never seen any of these shows but have heard such good things about 24 that I think I will be seeking out the DVDs at some point (eBay here I come!).

House looked good too but I didn't manage to catch it when it started and I hate coming in to things half way through!

PS - have been reading you blog since you started up but have only just got round to posting! Hope you're well.


At 2:45 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

Hi Alana! Had no idea you were keeping up with my blog!

I hope you do check out 24 - I'd start with series 1, but possibly skip 2 if you're squeamish as it's a little violent for my liking - series 3 is great though and I am SO looking forwards to season 4!

As far as 'House' goes, there's not a really hard and fast story as such, they are more individual episodes so I think you could pick it up part way through - but don't you dare with 24! You'd miss far too much crucial information and plot points!

At 3:13 pm , Blogger Alana said...

I guess that's the thing with blogging - you never really know who's taking a peek!

Thanks for the advice - I'm not too squemish so will probably have a watch of them all.

I'm guessing that House is being repeated on one of the many Sky channels so might have to have a look through and see if I can catch the episodes at some point.


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