Thursday, June 23, 2005

Too expensive to live here.

Robin and I have been increasingly concerned with the cost of living here in the south of England. We’ve had many ‘let’s move abroad’ conversations lately as we just keep having our living expenses rise and rise.

Some of you know that we can’t afford to buy our own house, in a place I have lived nearly all my life (I can see where I was born from the front window of our rented house) I find that ridiculous, but also pretty insulting, that students take priority in this city over families trying to work hard for their future. Supposed low cost housing schemes offer insultingly small shares to part buy poky flats (not ideal for a family anyway) that are over-priced in the first place!

Our council tax is ridiculous, fuel costs a bomb, all of our utility bills have risen recently and we’re finding ourselves further removed from buying a place of our own.

I’ve been really enjoying the new bathroom, I’m glad our landlords finally saw that the old suite was disgusting, shabby and barely functioning, and the carpet unsanitary. I am fed up though with having things fixed or replaced when they feel it it’s necessary. I’m also fed up with living on a year by year basis, our housing has felt temporary for the past 5 years we’ve been here – which is wearing. So some of you will say, well why not fix stuff yourself? Do you have any idea how little motivation I have to fix up a home that is not ours? to spend money on keeping another person’s house in a good state (when they’re not too bothered)? When I have painted rooms it has been because their shabby textured wallpaper has just become too much of an eyesore to bear any longer!

I hate to say it but I do feel like leaving Oxford, even though it is where our family and friends all are, where the kids are happily settled in schools and pre-school – where our Church is, where our life is. Because I’m sick of struggling to live here.



At 5:38 pm , Blogger wend said...

I'm still a praying mate


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