Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Feeling hot hot hot!

Oooh this weather is great! I would like it less muggy in an ideal world but otherwise I am enjoying waking every morning to glorious sunshine!

Keeping the kids cool is proving interesting…. we mostly favour the paddling pool, cold drinks, little clothing… you know, like everyone else! Oh, and a one inch layer of suncream for my two pale skin beauties! (my goodness, we are going through this fast just now!) Let me know any cool tips you have – share the knowledge!

To look at me though, you’d never know it’s been so nice – I remain glo-white, I do envy all of you (that’s most everyone else in my family) who have a healthy  bronze glow about now. I’m toying with the fake tan idea, then I can be streaky glo-white and dirty orange… Hmmm. Maybe not.

I have about a half hour free right now, and although there are piles of things I should be doing, I’m going to go out and enjoy the sun. Where did I put those sunglasses……


At 2:12 pm , Blogger wend said...

i used to be white until i had toby then my hormones went haywire and now if im out for 5 mins I go brown and red quite quickly, its so funny.

At 5:29 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

No such luck for me! Still glowin white!

At 12:33 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

My skin seems to tan easier since I had Caleb, unfortunatly I get bug-eyes etc. if I go outside for longer than it takes to put out the washing!
(seriously, if you've seen the trailer for 'Hitch' with Will Smith's puffy face you get an idea of what I looked like by yesterday evening!)


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