Tuesday, June 14, 2005

New Bathroom

Tomorrow morning the builder comes and we are getting a new bathroom suite put in – WOW! We’ve been putting up with the grotty and dated blue bathroom suite for the past 5 years (not to mention the frankly rather disgusting ancient floral blue carpet) so it’ll be a welcome change, if a little disruptive for a few days!We’re going white – aah how lovely, all neutral and clean-looking. I’ve no doubt I’ll soon be wielding a paint brush to remedy the off white walls in there too. (last week the clash of bright yellow walls and blue toilet became too much and I painted the toilet walls)

I keep wishing that there might be some unavoidable accident and the wall separating the toilet and bathroom might also be removed – thus creating a good sized family bathroom instead of a poky toilet and claustrophobic bathroom. But as this place is not ours we are only able to do as our landlord’s wish. Oh how desperate I am for a place of our own!


At 11:22 pm , Blogger wend said...



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