Sunday, June 05, 2005

Bitten by the bug

On Tuesday last week I decided to vac out my car while Elias had a sleep and Joy was playing happily. At one point I was climbing over the back seat reaching a really awkward spot when I felt something on my right ankle, thinking nothing of it I swiped it and promptly carried on with what I was doing.

A little later I noticed an odd looking bite.

By Wednesday morning the bite was looking pretty angry, but I took an anti histamine and rubbed in a bit of bite cream and got on with my day. Thankfully I had a great friend down from Manchester for the day and we had some good sofa sitting time – I was noticing my ankle was beginning to ache.

That night we had our keygroup over and I found my ankle hurting now, and feeling a bit swollen. By bedtime I was relieved to be off it.

Thursday morning my ankle was huge, the angry red was spreading out from the area and was very noticeable and it was painful just walking on it. I finally realised that perhaps it was time to get checked out (d’uh!) Thankfully the nurse agreed that is was pretty bad and I was put straight on anti biotics to help clear it up – it still got worse before the meds kicked in.

What bad timing to have a bad bite, on half term – certainly not a good time for hobbling around! And how frustrating to not even have had the pleasure of squishing the culprit! I’m pleased now though to be wearing proper shoes again as the swelling is almost gone now, and I easily managed a walk on Shotover this morning, all the while giving bugs a wide berth!


At 8:21 pm , Blogger wend said...

I like being your good friend!!!!!

sorry i didnt pray for you how garbled was my brain (smacks hand) !!!!!!!!


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