Monday, May 23, 2005

Argos - Home of The laminated book of dreams!

I may have slightly mis-quoted that, Bill Bailey did a piece in his ‘Part Troll’ show about Argos, made me howl with laughter.

When I went to Argos today, I was thinking about what an odd shopping experience it actually is.

You have the catalogue to drool over at home, you select what it is you’d like and then you pile in the car and go to the store. When you’ve paid and been told to go to the all important collection point (B being my personal favourite) you wait. Then they stamp your receipt and you’re handed a rather un-assuming brown cardboard box. It’s almost like they’re keeping you in suspense until the very last minute when you open up that box…….Odd.

Today my mission was to get Elias’s birthday gift, I have two big brown boxes hidden in the garage. I know one of them is a duplicate present so they are remaining boxed until I know which is going back, then we’ll get on with the business of assembly… Hmmmm.

Oh, incidentally, that is one reason why I personally like Argos – I have never had a problem with returning a purchase, and have always had excellent customer service when I’ve done so.

I know I am sad, but I really enjoy looking through each new catalogue, it amazes me the range of products they now sell, from the sublime (Hot tubs!!) to the ridiculous (who buys this stuff?) Oh, sorry, lost my train of thought, thinking about the hot tubs……


At 10:22 pm , Blogger wend said...

i like argos too very cool

At 7:01 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that Bill Bailey bit - SO funny.

When I was younger I would look through and tick all the stuff that I wanted from it.

Dare I say it, sometimes I still do! (I won't tell you how old I am now though)


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