Thursday, May 19, 2005

Two free Star Wars tickets

I entered a competition, and won 2 free tickets to see the new movie tonight in Milton Keynes – thing is we’re really too busy to go. Does anyone want them (you’ll need to collect from our place this afternoon/early evening) in Oxford, UK!


At 5:24 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

500 miles away! That's just not civilised!

At 5:31 pm , Blogger Chris said...

Let's see... Riga to Oxford via Stansted... Could be about 80 quid roundtrip for the ticket plus about 20 quid for the coach... tick tick tick...

Nah. I think you should definitely do your best to convince your poor hubby to possibly see it in his heart to accompany you to such a terribly uninteresting event for him.


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