Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Why do I blog?

I’ve been talking to a lot of friends and family about blogging since I myself became a blogger. Some are new to the concept, some do it themselves and others don’t seem to ‘get’ it. That’s all fine. But one question I have been asked a number of times is why do I blog?

Having had a think, and a talk with my father in law, I think I have put my finger on it. I used to love to write, I produced a monthly newsletter which had quite a following before I got married and it was great fun. Since having the kids I’ve not really had much chance to ‘air’ my views, and lots of my time chatting with people has been talking about… you guessed it, the kids. While this is not a bad thing at all, I’ve not had so much opportunity to talk about things which I am thinking about.

By putting things on my blog, about products, attitudes or just things that I’m thinking through it creates a space for my thoughts, musings, ranting etc. It feels very therapeutic, plus I get to write again, in my own way, for anyone who may be interested. And for friends and family it is another way to catch up with what is going on in our household, see the odd photo etc. (it still surprises me I’ve had so much interest!)

Another thing which seems to keep popping up is ‘where do I get the time to blog?’ Well, I make it, I snatch it from here and there, because I enjoy it and get a lot from it, just as you might make time to go to the gym, or pursue a hobby. I’ve found that I have a time when the kids are eating which is when I blog the most, the kids like having me there and as I’ve mentioned before we often explore a web site and have some fun doing that afterwards too.

Right now, I’ve run out of time, and that’s okay. I can blog later…..



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