Monday, May 09, 2005

How come life got so busy?

I used to think before I married Robin that I had a pretty busy life, work, social time and so on.

Then when we got married we got involved in things together and found ourselves more busy.

A little while later we had our first child, Joy, and for two years we were not just busy looking after her but she also kept me up most of every night too – you know, just in case I was bored or something.

As Joy has grown we’ve found our calendar filling up with play dates, pre-school and parties – and we’ve not even reached the piano lessons and ballet yet!

Oh, and we also gained a little man too (almost three years ago) who thankfully does sleep, but keeps you wondering what crazy stunt he’s going to pull next and endanger his life…. He’s also super fast so he keeps us literally rushed off our feet.

I keep looking at the calendar, and it gets full without us even realising, it’s not uncommon for us to be triple booked for things. (and choosing which commitments to keep is so hard)

It just makes me think that our modern lives are so very busy, time seems to be flying by – and I wonder when things will start to slow down. (I think we need a holiday!) Does anyone else feel like this??



At 7:57 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes!!!! And we only have one baby!!!

At 7:27 pm , Blogger wend said...

mind you the scary thing is what did we do with all that time before when we thought we were busy!!!


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