Thursday, May 12, 2005

Lots of changes

Our Church has been undergoing many changes in the past year or so. I think the first one was the staff overhaul as a result of people moving elsewhere. We’ve gained really talented and gifted leaders, when my first reaction was all about losing ones with great – only different giftings.

We’ve also changed our main service time till 4pm, another ‘biggie’, and me being less than perfect again thought ‘uh-oh, not sure I’m going to like this!’. Well, it’s taking some getting used to yes, but it’s pretty good, and I think most people are pretty positive about it. The kids think it’s pretty fun, and seem to look forwards to it ‘finishing’ off the weekend.

Robin and I also co-led a midweek group (well call them key groups) with a couple we love very much, and were really thrilled to share with them the birth of their daughter earlier this year. Sadly for us, our group grew too big and Maggie needed a proper bedtime so we’ve multiplied into two new groups. We’re looking forwards to seeing these new groups grow, and friendships take shape. But change is not always easy, and we feel as sad about the end of that time, as I guess we feel excitement about what’s to come.

Church is also going to be changing venue from May 22, perhaps permenantly, to Bayards Hill School. So they’re keeping us on our toes for sure! I’ll probably let you know how that goes……..


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