Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sneaking the goodness in...

I’ve been trying to get back into cooking more in the past couple of weeks, it had fallen by the wayside and I was getting pretty complacent with what I was making. I was also thinking about what I’ve been feeding the kids.

Yesterday I made some raisin & apple bran muffins – I found the recipe in the Annabel Karmel baby and toddler cookbook  (look here.. ) and they turned out great, although next time I might use a little less bran than suggested. Joy especially liked them and I love the fact I’m sneaking all that goodness into their food without them even realising. (Not sure if Robin is keen though, he left behind the ones I packed ready for him to take to work!)

Particularly when the kids were small I’d freeze cubes (in ice cube trays) of puree’d veggies and stir through pasta, or into mash potato. They never noticed! Sneaky and oh, so effective!

Last night we ate home made pizza (ALL homemade – aside from cheese, not attempting that just now!!!) with a yummy salad and home-made bread rolls. It gives a real feeling of satisfaction having cooked the lot, and knowing exactly what ingredients are in each bite of food.

Only downside to all this cooking is I need to get back into the habit of buying all the ingredients I keep using up!


At 5:08 pm , Blogger wend said...

its great isnt it


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