Friday, May 20, 2005

Some words should not be used together

It struck me that we often use words together that don’t make real sense. The one that got me thinking about this is ‘affordable loan’ – surely if you had the money you’d not be getting a loan at all? So therefore I reckon a loan is actually something you can’t afford.

Other examples would be things like….. low fat ice cream (that’s just plain wrong!) or for Robin ‘semi-skimmed milk’ (in his opinion it’s not really milk at all – and don’t get him started on skimmed…) I wonder what other examples those of you reading this will come up with!



At 9:48 am , Blogger wend said...

personally i think the term child friendly is usually a good indication that it isnt completley

also internal viewing essential when buying a house, it means once you see the outside you won't think internal viewing is essential.


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