Friday, June 24, 2005

Bone dry to soaking wet!

After many days of frankly rather gorgeous weather, the heavens have just opened and we are getting a real soaking! It’s so dark that I’ve got the lights on in the day for the first time in ages – feels weird!

Whilst I do miss the sun, I think this rain and the freshness it has brought with it will be welcome relief for some who have been wilting like the plants outside!

Elias does look funny, he’s a puddle lover and is currently dressed in a T-shirt, pants and wellies… NICE! He will have to wait a while though as the rain is too heavy.

All that said, I hope it’s sunny again soon.


At 12:35 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

Can you believe we left washing on the line last night? Doh! I love a good storm though, so it's worth it. I'm very pleased that the garden's getting a good soaking too, AND a good bit of rain always improves things like hayfever and air-pressure headaches

At 12:40 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

I nearly did the same with out washing, ha ha.
Glad this rain is bringing you some relief from the hayfever!


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