At the end of the month - the end of my 20's!

We're in March (already??!!!) and it has really hit me that I am enjoying my final days of being in my twenties. You know how when you're small you don't even think of being any older than 20 as you're OLD after that - well, I've realised I had not thought too much about changing decades..... Until now!
I am really pleased/thrilled/smug that I have achieved so much before the grand age of 30, I know of many people who would love to be married, and have kids. And I've accomplished those big things, indeed, I have a happy nine year old marriage, and two kids who grow more independent by the day - plus, the icing on the cake has got to be that I have a boy and a girl! Now that's not bad for the last decade. (and because of the nature of gaining a husband and the two kids - there has been little time to dwell on it!)
My one aim had been to be in our own home, and although that has been a source of great pain for us until now, it looks like it is going to happen whilst I am 30. I could not ask for a better 'gift' for my birthday.
Thing is, I got a LOT done in this decade - I'm more than a little curious to see what my thirties have in store!
just now i did a search on 'colouring'images (desperately trying to find ideas to entertain the kids tomorrow at lydia's birthday party!) and there was a picture of Elias colouring on the 2nd page!
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