Monday, January 16, 2006

Could I be more proud?

I have been dreading this day. We had the reminder through the post just before Christmas for Elias's pre-school immunisations, and today was our appointment.

Perhaps it was a good thing that I had almost forgotten, and had to rush around like a mad thing to get us there in good time - there was less time to think about how exactly I was going to pin my little guy down in order to have the two injections. But it should be policy that you should not have to wait for 45 minutes to see the Doctor just for the initial check up, before even getting to the fun bit!

Elias was great though, he played pretty contentedly with the one bead toy and two books for all that time. Then, he was an angel during the height, weight, ears and other checks. But I really did think my good luck probably wouldn't last much longer!

I was wrong. Elias then sat on my knee while the nurse gave him an injection in each arm, he barely even flinched! I was pretty dumbfounded, and SO proud. He got to choose stickers which he happily showed off to anyone who'd look for the rest of the day.

I love it when my kids throw me a curve like that, when they react in a totally unexpected way. When my little guy gives me a glimpse of the amazing character he's becoming. Today I am a very proud parent.


At 11:13 pm , Blogger wend said...

well done lai lai


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