Monday, January 02, 2006

Out with the old.... In with the new

Firstly may I wish you a Happy New Year, no doubt every other blog is doing the same but hey, hope it's a happy one for you nonetheless.

As you might imagine, the years end is a pretty normal time to reflect on the year you've had, and think about plans and expectations for the new one. Looking back over 2005, it has been fraught with struggles and seemingly only dotted with a few special times.

Robin has been job-hunting for a long time and the stresses associated with that had seemed never-ending - but, just a little before Christmas he was offered a new job and so we'll start the new year with a new job for him - Hurray!

We've also been moving things around in the house, and as a result have taken the opportunity to clear out unwanted/not needed possessions - you'd be amazed at just how much stuff has been hanging around this place, cluttering and not being used! I'll start the runs to the charity shops and tip tomorrow.

I expect lots of changes this year, and I hope - they'll be for the better.


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