Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Nikki's Seven things......

I should really be doing important house work - but have chosen to be distracted by Heidi's last post, and, at her request do my 7 things........

Seven things to do before I die.
1. Learn to scuba dive
2. Go blonde (??? not entirely sure on this one!)
3. Go to the weddings of my children
4. Spend a few months getting lost in America
5. Have a novel published (preferably successful too!)
6. Own a hot tub
7. Have a home of our own to enjoy with our friends and family

Seven things I cannot do.
1. Sit ups
2. Sit down in a messy room without tidying it up
3. Maths
4. Run
5. Say no to a roast meal.
6. Bake a cake that rises properly
7. Play any instrument well!

Seven things that attract me to my husband.
1. He is handsome
2. His amazing technical skills
3. His commitment to me and our family
4. He believes in the same things I do
5. His love of books and film
6. His barmy sense of humor
7. His ability to think 'outside the box' to solve problems

Seven Things I say the most.
1. What the????!!!!
2. It can't be time to get up already!
3. Honey.......
4. You're being a bit of a doo-dah
5. I love you
6. Sit up! (to the table that is!)
7. We're going to be late!!!!

Seven books I love.
1. Frank Peretti - This Present Darkness
2. The Message - Eugene Peterson
3. The (cold) Winter Bear
4. Real Fast Food - Nigel Slater
5. Guess How Much I love You
6. All the Narnia books
7. Calvin & Hobbes

Seven Movies I watch over and over again
1. Ocean's Eleven
2. While You were sleeping
3. The Incredibles
4. Pay it Forward
5. The Fifth Element
6. Gosford Park
7. 24 (sorry, a bit of a cheat here!)

Seven People I'd like to join in too........
1. My Robin
2. Anni
3. Nicky
4. Titi
5. Abi
6. Antony & Sarah
7. My Mum

This is harder, and more time consuming than you think it's going to be, plus, I am guessing there are far more appropriate answers that will come to me once I've published this! Still, it's a bit fun!


At 10:51 am , Blogger Helen said...

Hello - found your site whilst looking for how to make orange slice decorations (which I'm now going to do this morning - don't you just love google!) and just wanted to say thanks for posting it up! I've been meaning to look up how to do this for ages and I'm v happy now I know how to do it! Have a happy Christmas :)


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