Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A day of breaking.

Have you ever been stuck waiting at the bus stop for ages for a bus, and just when you've about given up (and are soaking wet and can't feel your fingers or toes) along come three or four????

Well, it seems like a similar principle was in effect in our house yesterday.

Only it wasn't buses, but breakages!

First up my car would not start (I hope it's a flat battery and nothing else) Which is not the end of the world - but inconvenient. Then I had the place all cleared up so I could vacuum round, and found that although the hoover was making all the right noises, it was not sucking! (result - crunchy carpet - ugh!)

By this time I was a little miffed.

By the end of the day, a pot lid had fallen apart and Robin's glasses had snapped as well.

I am thrilled to report that today nothing at all has broken (phew!) The car is forlornly sitting outside until Robin can look at it in the daylight, and the rest have been written off.

Today was a good day. Nothing broke!


At 9:02 am , Blogger wend said...

did you manage to get a new hoover?

At 11:04 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

Yes - a Tesco Value one for uner £20!


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