Monday, October 17, 2005

Viewing Disaster!

Anyone who has perused my blog has probably cottoned on to the fact that we enjoy movies, and a few choice TV series - in fact, there is nothing like having the kids in bed (asleep!) and sitting down all snuggly on the sofa to be transported off to another world, time or place courtesy of the wonderful telly box!

Well, last week disaster struck. Our TV had been doing a couple of funny things of late but we'd not been too worried - until, on Thursday, the picture started to shrink suddenly - then it turned in on itself and with a small flourish - the picture was gone for good. It won't do a thing now - so we moved the tiny TV/DVD combi in to the large space the TV used to occupy (Which looks daft as it's SO small!) and are 'making do'.

Only, I don't think we can for long.... we watched Lost last night, and were leaning in to make sure we didn't miss anything, it was silly! And I keep catching Elias with his nose almost touching the screen - he's clearly used to a larger set and is a bit bemused by the small one!

Yesterday we went to have a brief look at TV's to get an idea of what type we'll replace our CRT with - oh boy that was dangerous! We left the store dreaming of HUGE £8000 plasma screens, when it's more likely we'll spend a couple of hundred and not chance a plasma, or LCD for that matter in the company of curious kids! Maybe one day....................

(this one is a 50" plasma.... Mmmmmmm!)


At 1:54 pm , Blogger wend said...

oh matedo you know when you'll be able to replace it? was it reasonably new????

At 4:13 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

Can you believe it was just 3 years old??! Sucky or what??!

I think we'll replace it very soon, it's nice and quiet for now, but we love our movies, 24, West Wing...... and viewing on a 14" is not great! How thankful I am though - that we have that at least!!!!

At 6:57 pm , Blogger wend said...

nikki just a long shot but have you tried writing to the customer services dept and say yes I know i'm not covered by warranty but surely a tv made by you shoudl nlast more than 3 years. won't be buying another etc and in the sense of good will will they be giving you any vouchers towards a new one or something of that ilk, all it would cost is a first class stamp and 10 mins time adn you never know. I've heard of people getting loads of money off that way as the company doesnt like bad advertising

At 12:07 am , Blogger wend said...

hi mate think i know someone who might have a tv for you only problem they're in manchester they could keep it for a few weeks if someone could come get it

At 9:50 pm , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

Thanks Wend - but we've caved and bought a replacement already. Thank God for Robin earning good money so that we can do that! (it's not LCD, plasma or anything fancy sadly!)


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