Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bad hair month!

Yesterday was Joy's school photos - I sent her off to school in neat pigtails and all dressed nicely etc etc - the sample photo that came back with her showing a rumpled, fuzzy haired little girl that looked nothing like her! (We will NOT be buying any!)

I also noticed how desperate she was for her fringe to be cut - you can barely see her beautiful blue eyes under it. And I've been grappling with fuzzy hair ends myself of late - as my hair is well past 'just a trim' and more in the realms of taking the shears or hedge trimmer to it.

But I always find it hard to decide just what to do - especially with Joy's hair, the problem seems to be that her hair looks messy alll the time. For myself, I think lots of layers to thin out the heaviness is in order, and much less length. ( It takes ages to dry as it is!)

I know this could be dangerous but any suggestions??????


At 5:17 pm , Blogger wend said...

nikki what about using some leave in conidtioner in joy's hair that way it should stay smooth most of the day????? also what about getting her a little pocket brush one, that way she can comb her hair through????


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