Saturday, October 01, 2005

Be Cool

We had good friends over last night, and over a Thai takeout we all watched the John Travolta movie (among others!) movie, 'Be Cool'.

Many of you will already know that this was the sequel to 'Get Shorty' - now erm, a good few years old (10 actually) That film was pretty funny, and fresh as there was not really anything like it. 'Be Cool' however was not a patch on it. Whilst there were many funny moments - they seemed like they were all strung together to keep you watching as the story was lame at best. A couple of the characters were very funny, the gay afro-sporting bodyguard being the one that springs to mind quickest - but the film lacked substance somehow.

We had a great night, but it had far more to do with the great people who spent it with us - and not a great deal to do with the movie. If you do fancy seeing this movie, you will laugh - but will probably finish it disappointed at the end. (So why not grab some good friends and a bottle of wine instead!)


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