Sunday, September 18, 2005

Happy Birthday to my sister!

Well today is my sister, Heidi's birthday. (I won't divulge how old she is, that would not be fair!)

We marked the occasion with a roast chicken meal at our house, with Heidi, Mark and their children, plus our sister Abi and us four too. It was so much fun to pile our plates high with roast goodies and enjoy time with family, belly laughing at silly stories and daft kids antics.

We did miss my parents, but they were not able to join us, and our other sister, Anni and her family were travelling elsewhere today - there was space around the table for them, I hope we can all be together again soon!

Oh, BTW, I would add a picture of my beautiful birthday sister - but she is a camera dodger and I couldn't find one!


At 11:53 pm , Blogger wend said...

sounds lovely


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