Monday, September 26, 2005

I've 'discovered' mp3 players!

So, okay, I'll be the first to admit that I am not all that technology savvy - I often am not curious enough to spend the time learning how to work gizmos and gadgets - especially if I don't see the need for them.

I'd pretty much felt that way about these portable mini mp3 players that every other person seems to have. But recently I'd been missing listening to as much music as I used to, and when Robin got his I-River his 'old' (that is, a few months old!) one was up for grabs. I was a bit slow on the uptake, but last night I got Robin to take me through how it works, and most importantly - how to store a pile of songs on it!

So I'm now here, happily typing and listening to Paul Weller's Studio 150 album on MY mp3 player! Brill.

Only thing is - I wish it had even more capacity - I'll have to keep shuffling songs on and off so I don't get sick of these ones really soon!


At 1:53 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

I know what you mean, they are great, aren't they. MY mp3 player has been stolen by the girls, who listen to a mixture of McFly, Spring Harvest/kids worship stuff, and audiobooks of all sorts ... if you're into audiobooks it's well worth checking out - a while back they were offering free ipod shuffles if you signed up ...

At 9:17 am , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

Have toyed with the idea of MP3s. Mark keeps trying to win an ipod in these Walkers crisps prize drawers- he's concerned that being used to a 25 CD stereo we would be disappointed unless we got something with a whopping memory!

At 8:07 pm , Blogger Sarah said...

thanks for that link, Robin, hadn't seen that site before. I like podcasts too but don't have time to keep up with the few I like!


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