Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I must just mention really quickly how I LOVE hand-me-downs. Today we received two bags of lovely clothes, one for each child, from two different people - can't remember that last time that happened.

It was so much fun going through the different items - and having Joy try things on. I've stashed the things for Elias under the bed ready for him to grow into.

It's perfect timing as I myself have not long had a reckoning of the kids clothes and moved a few bags of outgrown clothes on to their next wearers.

Hand-me-downs are fab.


At 9:01 am , Blogger wend said...

they're great aren't they although its been a while since we got any til recentley as we seem to be the ones at the top of the chain handing down, but hehe ho that's how it is. But we were recently blessed by some fab clothes for Hannah which we'd been praying for most cool.


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