Monday, January 16, 2006


Only a very daft person would not have happened to notice that I really like Ikea - I'm not going to bother going into the many and varied reasons today as I have a big moan about them.

On Saturday afternoon we packed the kids in the car and set off for Milton Keynes, which is where our nearest store now is. We were all pretty jolly despite the rain and general greyness, and we got to listen to 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe' on CD which was really fun.

We got to MK with no problems, but as soon as we spied the first Ikea sign there was total gridlock - and it was not budging an inch. So there we were with the store visible in the distance but no chance of reaching it within a bearable space of time.

So we turned back and headed for home after driving the 50 minutes or so to get there!

Why on earth have they gone and built a new store and not made the transport links to it better? That's just plain daft.

To make matters worse, we were still 20 minutes from home when Elias was sick all over himself and his car seat. It was not a good afternoon.


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