Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Has it really been 9 years?!

Robin has beaten me to it, he has already posted on his blog about today, but I really did feel that the day could not go by without a blog entry for me too.

Today we are celebrating our ninth wedding anniversary! Yes, 9 years ago on a mild and bright winters day we got married at St Clements Church, Oxford. Now each time we go past Joy refers to it as our 'Wedding Church'. And it will always be just that for us.

So thank you Robin for being my love, for looking after me, for making life far more interesting than I was expecting, (!!!) for our children.... and all that we still have to look forwards to.


At 8:07 am , Blogger wend said...

Congrats to you both

Love wend

At 8:10 pm , Blogger Alana said...

How can it be that long?!?! I don't remember it being mild - I seem to remember it being freezing - perhaps you were too in luuurve to notice - LOL! Anyway, congratualtaions for getting this far and here's to another 9 years, and the next!

At 2:42 pm , Blogger Simone said...



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