Thursday, August 25, 2005

We used to book our flights and hotel for our Amsterdam trip - it was very last minute, and we were happy to find return flights and one nights hotel accommodation for £220.

As I've already mentioned, our flights were great. We were not impressed with our hotel accomodation though, It was (apparently 3 star) HEM Amsterdam hotel, it smelled of stalecigarettess, was fairly stuffy and oppressive - and the decor was left over from the early 80's so everything was rather scuffed and old looking. Breakfast was not included so we shelled out a further 25 Euros for that.

The other complication we had not noticed was that our flight was due to return to Heathrow and not Gatwick (where out car was parked - check out the excellent Purple parking) We wonder if this was the reason for the low price, well that and the naff hotel.

I think I'dapproachh with a great deal of care in future, and be morethoroughg going through all the details of what we'd actually booked - not of course assuming we'd be flying back to the same airport!

British Airways - going the extra mile.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Robin and I took a very short trip to Amsterdam a couple of days ago, one of the companies I really wanted to comment on was British Airways.

Most of us have been aware of the problems they have been having in past weeks with their catering contractors etc. I have to say I was a little worried that our flight would run as it should as a result.

So, beginning at the start of our trip - we arrived late to check-in, and the woman who checked our luggage in was not sure we'd have enough time to make it. Thankfully though, we did. And every BA staff member we dealt with was anxious to help us along and get us on the flight smoothly. As it turns out there were a few people who boarded after us!

During the flight the staff were friendly, very helpful and attentive. We had a lot of turbulence and their professional demeanor I'm sure put some anxious travellers at ease. We even had a light meal, something we were not expecting.

Being a very short flight it was over before we knew it and we were able to pick up our bag as soon as we reached the baggage claim area - it was a very slick operation!

Our return flight was complicated by us being booked to fly back to the wrong airport (I'll go into that in a separate post!) We arrived very early to check in, and found the staff eager to help us, they changed our flight with very little fuss, and in a matter of minutes.

The flight back was great, no turbulence this time, again, great cabin crew and such a smooth landing. Oh, and 10 minutes ahead of schedule!

So our experience of flying BA was very positive, they seemed to go the extra mile to help out their customers - it was a stressful trip for us, but our dealings with BA staff made things much easier.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Flying visit to Amsterdam

It's been a few days since I posted on my blog, one pretty good reason is that late last night Robin and I returned from a brief visit to Amsterdam!

Robin was having an interview with a Dutch company and we took the opportunity for me to go too. We left Oxford at 2pm on Monday and set off to a job interview in Wokingham for Robin.

At quarter to five we then started for Gatwick airport - alas, the traffic was not on our side and when we finally arrived to check in they were not sure we'd even make the flight. Thankfully we did (after a bit of running through the airport - and some anxious minutes waiting for our passports to be checked!)

The flight itself was fairly uneventful, although there was a lot of turbulence.

Taking a taxi was again, rather stressful - mostly because we suspected we were on a wild goose chase which cost us 60 Euros!!!!!!! And the hotel was not the best. We found the room oppressively hot, and it smelt of stale smoke. Plus the decor was very dated and needed updating. Oh, and the towels....... Don't get me started on the towels!

I slept fine in the end though, Robin less so. Breakfast proved a bit of a muddle too, but on the most part was okay.

We then took a taxi to the company Robin was interviewing with, this left me close to the Ajax stadium. With a few hours to explore. I walked to the nearest Metro station, and after asking for a bit of help in understanding their ticket system I made it to Centraal station in the heart of Amsterdam.

Having clearly identified the areas I did not want to visit, I set out to explore the city. There were piles on mobile phone shops, McDonalds, H&M, C&A, Hema, Etos and many of the other high street names in the Netherlands - I found that it is THE place to buy shoes and ornate jewelry (I did however resist buying any!) but thought it lacked much character really - the obvious cannabis and sex related items, which were everywhere, were pretty annoying after a while.

The canals were pretty, there were some tulips around the place, and piles of shops selling clogs of all kinds. All of which you'd expect I guess, but Amsterdam held no charm for me I'm afraid.

The highlight for me was sitting on the side of a canal and enjoying a bit of the sun, when it finally stopped spitting with rain, oh, and the ease with which we were able to take a train back to Schipol airport.

Both Robin and I didn't much like Amsterdam, it's certainly not somewhere I'd visit with our kids, there was little to hold their interest, and lots I'd like to prevent them from seeing. Funny though, as we have really enjoyed other parts of the Netherlands.

I have to comment on two of the services we used, but I'll devote separate posts to them....

Friday, August 19, 2005

Big changes for us?

We are, as a family at a bit of a crossroads. Robin is looking for a full time job - a big change for us as we've been running our own business for a good 2 1/2 years now.

I am sort of pleased that this has all come about over summer, we've been able to lay low for a bit and have the space to think stuff through. Friends and family may have thought we've been a bit standoffish or reclusive, and for that I'm sorry. We just really need to make these big decisions, and as result we're trying to keep our schedule fairly clear (apart from all the birthday stuff last week that is!)

For now though, Robin is interviewing like mad - and doing a great job with bits of contracting work. You can support him with your prayers and encouragement (oh, and free beer!) We'll no doubt both share more thoughts when things are clearer on both our personal blogs.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ebay grumble

Last year we visited the Netherlands, whilst in Eindhoven we found the most amazing jewellry store I have ever been into - they were selling these fabulous ornate necklaces like nothing I'd seen before. I have tried to find the store online but not succeeded (can't remember the name or anything)

Some bright spark suggested that I look on Ebay to see if I might find some similar necklaces - well, I have a few times - but until today have not found anything even close. Today though I found some very pretty ones, I looked under ebay,uk and found some great ones with starting bids of just £4.90 - wow, I thought I had hit the jackpot (and was considering using money in the paypal account to help me out here!!)


Oh, and there is always a' but' isn't there. Upon closer inspection Ihappenedd to notice where these necklaces were - China. And how much postage cost, £14. And that you are obliged to also take out insurance, £5. Suddenly they are not such a great prospect, and they are not as nice as the ones I found last year anyway - for which I'd pay a whole lot more!

I have yet to purchase anything from Ebay, I have come close a few times, but daft postage and silly conditions stop me every time - I keep hearing all these great stories from friends and family about their awesome bargains found on Ebay, I remain though, a frustrated Ebay virgin.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Looking at the meercats

Looking at the meercats
Originally uploaded by nikkimay28.
I am having a disagreement with my Flicr upload tool, as a result this is one of the few photos I have so far managed to pop up of the outing on Joy's birthday (whilst the sun was out!) Here are the kids enthralled by the meercats.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tchibo in Somerfield

A couple of people have mentioned that Tchibo is now selling some of their merchandise in some Somerfield stores. Well, I found one local to us which is! Just had to check it out.

As I was going into Headington anyway I popped into Somerfield and the cluster of ballons gave away the position given to the Tchibo merchandise. I have to say I was a little surprised at the odd selection of their current range that they were selling - buying lacy underwear in Somerfield just doesn't seem right somehow! But it was nice to be able to get a small amount of their stock there, and they are also stocking a huge amount of the Tchibo ranges of coffee as well.

I'll remember this, it may save me a trip into the parking hell that is Oxford one day!

Incidentally, whilst in Headington we also visited the Chinese supermarket (hooray for sweet chilli sauce, prawn crackers, miso soup and cheap coconut milk!) which was really fun, Joy had lots of questions about the exotic ingredients we found there. Plus we visited Frog Orange, a great shop filled with curious gifts and nice things for the home - could have spent a bundle but managed to come away without even unzipping my purse - oh the restraint!

Monday, August 15, 2005

So much fun for under £1!

I was dragging the kids around Tesco this morning and happened to notice that they had a few of their summer garden range things on sale - most was of no interest to me. I did however make one purchase, for under £1, a garden sprinkler attachment for our hose.

This afternoon was pretty glorious, and in an effort to get the kids having some fun outside I hooked it all up . Hey presto - instant fun!

Two slightly bedraggled, and very drippy kids were pretty cross with me when I turned off the hose, they had been running under the water, through it, running away from it..... I was pretty pleased with my purchase.

Not sure if there are any left by now - there are probably piles of mums like me who've had the same idea!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Soggy Birthday

Well, this morning looked really promising - and armed with a recent forecast telling of light rain showers until 1pm we headed for the Cotswold Wildlife Park.

We met up with all the special people we'd arranged to see there (My parents, Fizz, Ian & Em, Heidi, Mark, Caleb, Elodie,Wendy, Bernie, Toby, Sam, Andrew and girlfriend), and got down to business of seeing the animals. Particular favorites were the penguins, spider monkeys, otters.. Oh heck - they were all great actually.

What was not so great was that it started to rain - and these were not light showers - this was rain that was here to stay. We finally decided that as we'd seen all the indoor animals that we would take our picnic to Heidi & Mark's. (A HUGE thank you to them for this!) We arrived there rather soggy and hungry - the picnic was a great success though.

So, the weather threw us a real curve (it's still raining now!) But the people there made it really special for Joy, and she's just been saying what a lovely day it's been for her. My girl is now a big 7 year old!

(I'll post some photos just as soon as I can!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Seven years

I'm just watching Joy polishing off her tea - and it struck me that seven years ago I'd not yet met her! Her birthday is tomorrow, and I generally get rather reflective as I appraoch her birthday, partly because I find it hard to believe just how grown up she is.

But also because August 13th 1998 was one of the days in my life when my whole world changed, I'd no idea about the sleepless nights that lay ahead, or the smile with which she can light up the room. No idea of how I'd worry about her when she went to her first sleepover, or that I'd wish this little chatterbox would occasionally have a quiet moment!!

Her charachter is changing and developing with each passing day. I hope I can keep up!

I think one thing about Joy which is really special is her name. I've been really blessed by the amount of people who have commented on her name suiting her so perfectly - I hope that will always be the case. It was given as a blessing, along with her middle name, Renata, which means 'Born again' - we also hope that is something she'll choose for herself in the future, and we try hard to do our best to be a Christian family.

I like birthdays, they are a great oppourtunity to appreciate someone for just who they are.

Chocolate Heaven

It's a year since I roped just about every member of family and every friend into the secret birthday party for Robin's 30th. Although there was amazing food (thanks Darce) great music (thanks M&H) a live band (thanks Ben & Joe) among other things the star of the evening (apart from Robin was his cake.

It had been lovingly transported from Brighton, on a very hot day for the occasion - so it leaned a little by the time it reached us - but it was less a cake and more a thing of beauty. Here is a link to the amazing shop in Brighton from where it came - any chocoholic needs to visit this place, it is awesome!

The picture shows cakes from the shop similar to the one Robin had (tallest one was the right size - but in dark choc, and with more action from the top!)

Hmmm, I rather fancy some chocolate..............

SO Much to blog about!

It has been SUCH a busy week! And I have barely turned on the computer as there simply has not been the time - I have to admit to feeling rather blog and email deprived.

So, Robin's birthday on Wednesday was great fun - the high point I think was the last minute dinner party that we had that evening (11 adults, one mini girl) which was not only hilarious fun but the food turned out really great too (phew!) We rounded that off with the animal game and before we knew it it was well past midnight - normally not such a bad thing, but this was week 2 of swim lessons and I had to be up at 7am!!

Robin now has an all singing all dancing new IRiver - so I now have his teeny mp3 player - I am about to embark on the adventure of figuring out how it works and putting all my favourite tunes on it - pretty exciting stuff! I am not a natural 'gadget girl' (I leave that to Robin!) but the prospect of having great tunes wherever I go is really appealing.

I also discovered a new favourite shop, Central, in Oxford - it was like stepping into design heaven. I could have gone quite mad and bought most of their stock! If you're ever down Little Clarendon Street you must go in, oh and check out Sylvester too, oh, and George and Davis for ice cream!!

So, now it's Friday afternoon, and I'm gearing up for Joy's birthday tomorrow - presents are wrapped, cake is ready, plans are made for the day... We should have another nice day, although I really need it not to rain!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Not seen them in a while!

We went to a wedding on the weekend, it was really weird to see so many people in that one place who we've not seen in years! There were so many 'meet Joy & Elias' moments - seems odd that some of them were not even aware of Joy!!! (she's 7 on Saturday!)

Some looked the same, some very different, some, like us have added to their number. There were exchanges of overviews of what we've been up to, some long, some fairly short. Some people it doesn't seem to matter how long it's been - you can just pick up where you left off. With some though it was a little odd and awkward.

Then on Sunday there were a pile more friends at Church! We were particularly pleased to see Ed & Clare Evans, who now lead the Salisbury Vineyard

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Week Three's looking busy

Well, we're two weeks into school holidays - and I really think that keeping busy is the best thing. The time seems to have raced by so far and I suspect this week will too.

We have signed Joy up for a second week of swimming lessons (ugh - 9am start again!) maybe she'll finally take her feet off the bottom????

Plus this is the big birthday week in our family as Wednesday is Robin's birthday and Saturday is Joy's. So there is lots of planning and general sneakiness going on in preparation for those special days! Add in a speech assessment for Elias, a dental appointment, grocery shop, and already the days are filling up!

BTW, on Saturday we'll be visiting the Cotswold Wildlife Park to celebrate Joy's special day. We intend to meet up with any friends and family who'd like to come along too. Our plan is to have a big picnic for lunch whilst there. Drop us a line if you're interested.....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

We're having a clear out

In order to accommodate the office back at home we are having a reckoning with our stuff. We also cleared the garage out so that we could help out some friends who are moving - we have the entire contents of a 3 bed house in there just now - plus a few boxes of Robin's Mum's and her piano in the house that we are looking after!

It has been a surprise to see just how many items of furniture are actually cluttering up the place, rather than serving a useful purpose. There are plenty of other things too which are just needing to be got rid of. A family sure can acquire stuff FAST! Plus kids grow out of a stage or phase and you're left with baby stuff you no longer use, or toys that are no longer used.

We're considering the best way to sell all this stuff, whether it be on Daily Info, a yard sale, boot sale or maybe even Ebay for the odd item.

All will be a bit clearer when the office stuff is all back here and we know exactly what items have to stay, and what has to go. I guess I'll keep y'all posted.

Great product for budding builders

We visited Little Wonders toy shop in Oxford again this week (I love this shop!!!) Getting ideas for Joy's birthday next week. Whilst we were there we found a great Spanish product that I thought I really should mention.

It's called Teifoc, and is a range of tiny real bricks that come in sets so you can make your own mini houses, castles, forts and all sorts. Apparently made as a sideline from the production of real bricks these kits look like great fun, and I reckon are a good teaching resource too.

You use a special type of cement (provided with kits - or available to buy separately) and are instructed on how to use it - plus it has the rather clever feature of being water soluble - so if you immerse your creation overnight you can do it over again.

Both Robin and I thought we'd like a go ourselves! We came home with two tiny sample bricks which are wandering around the house at present. Both Joy & Elias have been intrigued by the leaflet we brought home about them.

I must just add that I would provide a link for Little Wonders Toy Shop, only they don't have a website, blog or email - yet! We talked with the owner when we were in last and were virtually pleading with them to change that. It's a great shop, packed full of really lovely, and good quality toys.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Blowing bubbles in the water

Joy is on day 3 of her swim lessons. They have been working on getting more confident and one thing they have been doing is blowing bubbles in the water. Elias freaked out whilst watching this - he has made it very clear he does not want anything to do with the pool.

He has made friends with our paddling pool, but even that took a while. I think we have a while to wait before we sign him up for classes!

I am really proud of Joy, she is trying hard although still very wary of the water.

Next life skill we'll be working on is bike riding... only, I still have to convince Joy to give it a go! (does not help that the stabilisers we bought don't fit her bike!)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hooray for Tesco Vouchers

Yesterday was a really busy day for our family. We started with Joy's first swim lesson at 9am, then the kids were picked up from the pool and went for a fantastic adventure to Legoland Windsor (I'm a bit jealous!!)

Robin and I took full advantage of having some time to ourselves and I dusted off the Tesco's vouchers I had been saving so we could have a long lazy lunch together.

Before I get to where we went, and the quality of the food, let me just plug the Tesco scheme - for every £2.50 in clubcard vouchers we had £10 to spend on food in our chosen restaurant. The only thing I don't like about the scheme is that it's a little fiddly to send the vouchers back to have them converted into different vouchers (???!!!) and would be much simpler if you could just use the original vouchers or something!

I think it makes the vouchers go a lot further if you do opt for one of their deals, we keep our grocery bill pretty low and as a result don't collect all that many points, but hey - we got a free lunch using them this way!

Well, in Oxford the choice is fairly limited but we chose Cafe Rouge, and I'm so glad we did. The food was delicious, the service great, and it was fairly quiet with a great atmosphere. We spent just £5 extra on top of the vouchers and both had a number of courses (Robin 3, me 2), drinks and coffee to finish off. A real bargain! (we'd not have been able to afford such a treat just now)
It probably all tasted better as it was almost a freebie! (Robin had a couple of interesting choices of food btw - so you should check his blog to see if he's posted about that!)

When the kids came home they were worn out, and so full of stories to tell of their day - it was lovely! Funnily enough it turns out that the grandparents had used their clubcard vouchers to go to Legoland. So yesterdays' fun, and great memories were partially thanks to Tesco, but mostly to do with having such a great family!

Cheeky Monkey!

This little monkey of mine has fiddled with my email settings and wiped all my addresses, mail and everything!

So if you are wondering why I have not got back to you about something then it's probably because a) I no longer have an email you sent me, or b) I have no email address to send it to!!!

Robin was impressed that he managed to do this - although I think we'd both like to know just how he did it, and I sure wish he hadn't!

Love Film Trial

Not sure about you, but we live in a house of movie lovers! As a result we have been looking into a number of these internet DVD rental schemes to see if one might suit us. We also thought it was a good time to try one of the free trials as we have two kids at home all day just now on summer holidays.

We recieved our first discs in the post this morning, and are now on what is technically day 2 of our free 2 week trial.

So, we're giving Love film a whirl, I'm sure I'll keep you posted on how it works out for us!