Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ebay grumble

Last year we visited the Netherlands, whilst in Eindhoven we found the most amazing jewellry store I have ever been into - they were selling these fabulous ornate necklaces like nothing I'd seen before. I have tried to find the store online but not succeeded (can't remember the name or anything)

Some bright spark suggested that I look on Ebay to see if I might find some similar necklaces - well, I have a few times - but until today have not found anything even close. Today though I found some very pretty ones, I looked under ebay,uk and found some great ones with starting bids of just £4.90 - wow, I thought I had hit the jackpot (and was considering using money in the paypal account to help me out here!!)


Oh, and there is always a' but' isn't there. Upon closer inspection Ihappenedd to notice where these necklaces were - China. And how much postage cost, £14. And that you are obliged to also take out insurance, £5. Suddenly they are not such a great prospect, and they are not as nice as the ones I found last year anyway - for which I'd pay a whole lot more!

I have yet to purchase anything from Ebay, I have come close a few times, but daft postage and silly conditions stop me every time - I keep hearing all these great stories from friends and family about their awesome bargains found on Ebay, I remain though, a frustrated Ebay virgin.


At 9:51 pm , Blogger wend said...

maybe it's Gods protection so you don't get hooked, they are particualrly good for craft materials too

At 12:00 am , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

Yea, I agree. I've bought 4 Sesame street videos in the last two weeks! and I'd never bid on anything before- or even looked!

At 8:17 pm , Blogger Alana said...

I LOVE eBay - it is addictive though. You can get some good bargains but you do have to be wary of high postage charges and also getting carried away and bidding higher than makes it worthwhile!

At 5:00 pm , Blogger praynlady said...

I buy from Ebay all the time and I always find the great bargains. I guess thought that being in the US, it's easier on the postage for most of what I purchase. I have only bought 3 things from out of the country. 2 pair of birkenstocks, and 2 Willie Wachtmeister Rescue Heroes from Germany for 35$ that the guy never mailed. Waited over 1 year and still no Willies. I email him over and over figuring I'll drive him mad with the emails. He always answers them that he will mail them "this week". Ok, so in the 3 years I've been Ebaying, only 1 bad experience. Not to bad considering I collect John Deere Items and am always finding them on here. My new house will be furnished with J.D. stuff if I don't stop buying it! lol


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