Saturday, October 24, 2009

Home made fabric Doorstop

Another sewing adventure... Been looking on ebay at the fabric doorstop which are really attractive, and even on Ebay - over -priced.

So, I rustled up some fabric offcuts, and got out the sewing machine. 


2 ways to do this, I cheated - so one long rectangular piece to go all around the outside, and 2 smaller ones, of equal size - one for the top, one for the bottom. Plus a 2 long slender pieces to make a handle for the top. 

I found pinning the pieces together really helpful. I made a long tube from my 2 long slender pieces and turned the right way out - then I used iron on bonding inside to make more rigid. This was then pinned to the seams of the top  - only then did I actually sew around the edges. Hey presto, half done. The bottom was harder, all those small spaces argh! but a bit of patience, and taking it slowly if you're not a seamstress and actually you end up with the fabric shell. Don't forget to leave a small opening for filling!

A friend recommended a good filling, to provide enough weight, but not too hard to stub your toe on. So, I filled with either rice or pearl barley using a funnel made this particularly easy. Then sew up and pop in front of a door - stand back and admire your handiwork. The only one thing I'd mention is not to get it wet as the rice/barley won't like it!


Fabric, you don't need very much


Fabric iron on bonding

Filling - rice or pearl barley will do. 







Posted via web from nikkishomemadehome's posterous


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