Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Blowing bubbles in the water

Joy is on day 3 of her swim lessons. They have been working on getting more confident and one thing they have been doing is blowing bubbles in the water. Elias freaked out whilst watching this - he has made it very clear he does not want anything to do with the pool.

He has made friends with our paddling pool, but even that took a while. I think we have a while to wait before we sign him up for classes!

I am really proud of Joy, she is trying hard although still very wary of the water.

Next life skill we'll be working on is bike riding... only, I still have to convince Joy to give it a go! (does not help that the stabilisers we bought don't fit her bike!)


At 4:44 pm , Blogger wend said...

sounds great, we're doing bike riding for toby over the summer so snap again :-)

well done Joy!!!

At 8:35 am , Blogger Sarah said...

bike riding is *hard* !!

Abbie only learnt last summer when we moved to this house, which is in a relatively safe-to-cycle-in close. Unfortunately both girls' bikes (handmedowns, as usual) have given up the ghost now so neither of them are cycling much.

Have you got a lidl near you? Did you see the pedal-less bike we got for Joe recently on my blog? They are all the rage - excellent for teaching balance.

Apparently the best way to teach kids to ride a bike is no stabilisers and no pedals, but with saddle low enough that their feet touch the ground, that way they learn to balance, then you put the pedals back on.

My other theory is simply to wait until they *really* want to do it, then they'll have the motivation - if Joy still needs convincing I don't rate your chances! Look forward to hearing how it goes.

At 11:07 am , Blogger Nikki Mayfield said...

Those bikes look really interesting, but sadly we don't have a Lidl anyplace near here. A shame really as they were really handy in Manchester.

Thanks for the tips.


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