Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Too many labour saving devices.

Many years ago (I'm told) there were no labour saving devices in our homes making things easier.

Some I fess up, I cannot live without. Like my dishwasher, washing machine. and the tumble dryer, oh, and I guess the microwave.

But I have this one cupboard, and loitering in it is a variety of supposed labour saving devices. That are either not labour saving, huge and only used occasionally, or just plain useless - but I feel the need to keep a hold of them - just in case they come in useful.......

The ice-cream maker, well, makes thick cold cream. I have a food processor with a box of attachments - but I've only ever used one of them.

The problem is, these things take up SO much space! And in actual fact they only have light use - not really warranting taking up valuable cupboard space.

Labour saving - Not always.

Space eating more like.

How can it be almost December?

I've spent the evening writing out Christmas cards, and in the annual scramble to find lost or misplaced addresses. I've been looking over the last gifts I need to buy for Christmas, and it hit me.

It's almost December - already!

And a wierd thing happens in December, time speeds up, and is eaten or something - because it seems to fly by with none spare like in other months. Every second is occupied with something beit mundane or festive. And before we even realise the new year is hurtling towards us.

My aim is to get as many things done as I can before Thursday, the clock is ticking......

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I must just mention really quickly how I LOVE hand-me-downs. Today we received two bags of lovely clothes, one for each child, from two different people - can't remember that last time that happened.

It was so much fun going through the different items - and having Joy try things on. I've stashed the things for Elias under the bed ready for him to grow into.

It's perfect timing as I myself have not long had a reckoning of the kids clothes and moved a few bags of outgrown clothes on to their next wearers.

Hand-me-downs are fab.

Senseo Coffee

A little over a year ago I won a Senseo Coffee machine. I've no idea what I entered, and it was a total surprise to me to be the lucky winner and receive it. You see, I was not a coffee drinker.

Let me introduce the 'concept' for those of you who are not familiar with it. This sleek machine brews up to two cups of coffee with a 'crema' layer (fine froth to you and I) using coffee pods, which are like tea bag looking sachets of ground coffee.

It's nice-looking, easy to use and has made me a coffee drinker.

All sounds great..... until, I realised there was little choice in the UK of blends - we were stuck with dark roast, medium roast or de-caff. Which were nice, but I hankered after something more...

My sister found it. The Senseo machine is very popular on mainland Europe (particularly in The Netherlands where it originates from) and there they enjoy many blends - and a lot cheaper too. So Anni kept bringing some over each time she visited which has been lovely - but awful every time I have to go back to the 3 dull-in-comparison blends!

Until now!!!!!!!! I found in Tesco 2 new blends, yipee, I bought the 'Sydney' blend and am about to break it open and give it a whirl. Oh what excitement! Plus, Tesco have started their own 'Finest' coffee pods too which again broadens the choices.

A day of breaking.

Have you ever been stuck waiting at the bus stop for ages for a bus, and just when you've about given up (and are soaking wet and can't feel your fingers or toes) along come three or four????

Well, it seems like a similar principle was in effect in our house yesterday.

Only it wasn't buses, but breakages!

First up my car would not start (I hope it's a flat battery and nothing else) Which is not the end of the world - but inconvenient. Then I had the place all cleared up so I could vacuum round, and found that although the hoover was making all the right noises, it was not sucking! (result - crunchy carpet - ugh!)

By this time I was a little miffed.

By the end of the day, a pot lid had fallen apart and Robin's glasses had snapped as well.

I am thrilled to report that today nothing at all has broken (phew!) The car is forlornly sitting outside until Robin can look at it in the daylight, and the rest have been written off.

Today was a good day. Nothing broke!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Now we're all adults!

Yesterday was my youngest sister, Abi's birthday - she turned 18, and is therefore, in the eyes of the law, an adult. I am the oldest of the four of us sisters, so it's been a couple of years since I turned 18, and that must have been odd for my parents. But having their youngest (by a number of years) reach 18 must be really rather wierd.

I mean, what's to stop them running off and living abroad?????(erm, actually not a lot methinks!)

It does not happen often, but all of us sisters were able to celebrate (along with our parents, most of our kids, and husbands) with Abi last night. Happy Birthday Abi!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

New windows

So I tend to blog about things that are going on with me and my family - the big news today is that after 5 years of renting this house - and the windows getting worse and worse - the new ones are starting to go in today!!!!

We are thrilled - if a little higgledy piggledy while it's being done! They started this morning and one is in already with no.2 well on the way. I must admit to having been really stressed about it all - thinking that it was going to be really inconvenient and difficult - so far though it's been great.

(I would provide a link to the company we are using but seem unable to find one)