Saturday, September 03, 2005

Google Earth

Robin introduced me to this amazing new FREE program from Google. You can download it and then literally zoom in on any area on Earth - it is amazing.

Some areas have so much detail that you can see cars, maybe even people! There is also a tilt function to change the way you view your selected area - awesome. I just could not get over the fact that this was all free - just a few years ago we'd have been talking hundreds of pounds for something like this!

Robin and I have been having a play with it, it then struck us that it is a perfect thing for the kids to have an enormous amount of fun with - but be learning heaps on the sly. Both Elias and Joy thought it was pretty amazing too, we've looked up where I lived in the US, where friends and family live, and of course, Oxford - where we live.

You can find it here take a look, have a play, see how the world just got smaller!


At 9:17 pm , Blogger wend said...

we enjoyed it too the kids had a ball, looking at where various people live. Just a shame that lots of places in the Uk havent been mapped yet

At 5:21 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stumbled acorss this through a link from Heidi.
Yeah I enjoyed looking up places on google earth too. If you look up my mums house it has all the business details there too. Pretty cool. Hope all is well with you guys.



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