Friday, September 02, 2005

It's been 5 years

Yesterday, September 1st, marked the end of our 5th year in this house - and of course, the beginning of year 6.

We moved her when Joy was just 2, and of course this is the only home that Elias has ever known. We have come to know some of our neighbours pretty well, and since we got married, this is by far the longest time we've spent anywhere (we moved 5 times in the 3 1/2 years before that)

So today I'm thankful on the one hand, for the stability that we've had,(even though we've never been sure from one year to the next if we'd be able to stay.) Pleased the kids have benefited from the stability.

But very frustrated that we're still here, in a house that we can't make truly our home.

(fancy helping us paint???? - we've now been told we can,and there's a lot of old wood chip which is looking pretty tired!)


At 7:56 pm , Blogger Simone said...

Love, I long for that kind of stability! I know your house situation isn't easy, but it's you and your family that makes it 'home'! You're a lovely family, I've always felt at home when I've been at your place! :)


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