Friday, September 02, 2005

Last days.......

I must apologise for not having posted anything in so long. This last week of the holidays has been so full on that I've not had a minutes break from being whined at, washing, cooking, cleaning, doing errands, being whined at some more, and all the other normal family diversions.

Now it's the last week day before Joy goes back to school and I have to admit I feel a bit guilty that we've not done more exciting stuff in the past two weeks - we started off pretty well but the fun activities waned as the weeks went on. I did of course have a brief trip to Amsterdam which threww a few days into a muddle, but even so!

One of the problems has been that Robin and I are totally absorbed in our thoughts about the big changes we have been making, He has been interviewing a few times a week, as well as doing contracting work as well - and all that has been compunded by an unwelcome return of his insommnia. All that sure makes for a lots of worry and stress. And I think the kids have bourne the brunt of it. They too seem unable to get to sleep - making for very snappy parents of an evening!

So today the boys in particular seem really shattered, and Joy has little patience with her little brother. I have turned into some sort of shrieking mad mum. I really hope that when school starts it will bring a more normal routine with it, and on the 22nd, when Elias starts at nursery, I am looking forwards to a bit of a breather! (roll on the 22nd!)


At 12:14 pm , Blogger wend said...

be praying for you mate

Luv wend

At 7:52 pm , Blogger Simone said...

sit down with a nice glass of wine when the kids are in bed and breath...;)


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