Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We've lost Nana - but precious memories remain

Heidi has already posted on Spacebats about the loss we are feeling in my family since my Nana died in Sunday, she expressed so eloquently some of the qualities that made her so special.

I thought I would share a few memories/thoughts I've been having as I have been thinking about her part in my life. Firstly I must point out that her influence was not always good, it was her after all who introduced dishwashers to the Watkins family, and I'm finding it VERY hard to be without mine just now!

Secondly, I'll always associcate Fuchsia plants with her garden whilst I was little, I remember Grandad being slightly annoyed at my sisters and I for popping the buds before they bloomed - though Nana did seem to understand this fascination a bit better. Their garden was fabulous.

I loved that she embraced Robin, Mark and Ciaran as they joined our family, she made them all feel special and welcome, and it was precious to her we'd found such fantastic husbands - this was so important to her, probably because she had been so happily married to my grandad until his death, and she always wanted best for us.

And where would I be if she had not brought my Dad into the world? (well, not here I guess!) I think that Nana's influence helped shape him into such a tremendous father for us, and father figure for so many others. Although she was always quick to keep his feet firmly on the ground by telling us stories about his tearaway days!

I'm so sad to have lost her, but so happy is now at peace, the struggle with her body is over and we are free to enjoy the memories of when she was not in pain, or struggling with her health.


At 7:47 pm , Blogger The inimitable Mrs T. said...

You're bang on there, Nikki. I absolutely can't see 'dancing lady' plant without thinking of Nana. Do Geraniums remind you of her, too? I've still not grown to like their smell, though!


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