Saturday, November 11, 2006

Scrabbling around on the floor again

Yesterday we took delivery of Elias's new bed. And you just can't put a new bed into an unfinished room, so over the past few days I have been painting the last bits and trying to buy carpet.

Because the room is so small, and because the carpet needs to be a light colour in order to maximise the light in there I didn't want to spend a great deal - because boys and beige just don't really mix! Also, it is a funny 'L' shape so a large portion of the carpet would be wasted too. I cruised the carpet stores and just couldn't find a suitable colour and sized piece - It took me 2 trips until I finally bought a good piece, and thanks to my lovely old car, easily got it home with me.

Yesterday afternoon while Elias was at school (Joy too) I closed myself in his room and set to work.
And every time I get to that stage I suddenly think - why am I attempting to do this exactly?? It's really rather daunting - the first cut. It almost seems wrong, after being brought up to be careful not to spill anything on the carpet, and generally TAKE CARE not to damage it!! So the first cut is by far the worst, it gets easier after that - and by the last little bit, after lots of wrestling and huffing and puffing, I get into my groove and Ta Da! Finit.

Now you're wondering why no pic - did it all go terribly wrong? Have I caused irreparable damage to the house, and carpet???? No, I just ran out of steam and time and the bed is not yet assembled. When it, and the drawers are all in situ, then, a pic, a grand unveiling of the first finished room in the house. Yipeeeeeeee!

Today is another DIY day.


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