Thursday, August 24, 2006

The great hotel experiment

We've not been able to take a proper family holiday this year - but one thing we have done is a bit of and experiment with staying (as a family) in a hotel. We've been trying to figure out to visit family and friends and not have the time pressure of facing long drives there and back on the same day - we thought we'd give Travelodge a whirl.

Our reasons for that choice in particular were that they are cheap, provide a family room and tend to be situated close to the people we are trying to visit.

With much trepidation we booked in at the end of May in Brighton for a visit to family down there.
At the end of the day we said goodbyes and checked in to the central Brighton Travelodge. Whilst the room was large, there was no escaping all four of us being in the one room. Sadly the shower was not working but they compensated us rather nicely with free breakfasts!

It was an interesting experience - the kids did take rather a long time to settle due to the unfamiliar surroundings and general high spirits, but we had expected that. The thing that was not great was that it was stifling hot in the room, and the air that was gained by opening a window also meant the noise level was far too high (Being on a very busy thoughrofare) As a result, we slept, but not all that well. But we did enjoy seeing more of family on the second day.

We have since used Travelodge twice more, and I think we have found that whilst we can do it, it is not a particularly relaxing experience. Probably good for the odd night here or there - but there has to be a better way! (probably at three or four more times the cost though)


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