Monday, August 07, 2006

I've not actually posted anything in ages! So, an update.

Anyone who has regularly visited this blog in the past have probably been a little bemused by the lack of posts for over a month now. It's not that nothing has been happening, quite the reverse actually. We've found ourselves dealing with birth, death, job hunting and all sorts.

I think I'll begin with the happiest thing to happen lately, yesterday we gained a brand new niece, Scarlet Lily Mayfield (Sarah and Antony please feel free to correct spellings there) I gather she took her own sweet time coming, Sarah, you have my heartfelt sympathy for that, but we are thrilled she is with us safe and sound... We plan to zoom down to Brighton this week if possible to meet her.

In contrast, almost two weeks ago we lost my Gran. And so my family and I have been sorting through the feelings that go along with that, and last Friday we went to Aberystwyth to say our goodbyes. She will be missed, but leaves behind a great family - I was looking around at the funeral at my cousins, aunts and uncles and thinking that if it had not been for her, many of us would not have even existed! (and I think we're a nice bunch too)

Intermingled, we've had the highs and lows of jobhunting for Robin, at one point he'd virtually got 2 jobs, but in a matter of hours one literally ceased to exist and the other just did not come off. It's a bit like being on a roller-coaster, and not knowing how long the ride is going to be!

To add a little more interest, it is the school holidays, and the kids have been underfoot throughout all of this. We're also fast approaching Joy's 8th birthday (and Robin's birthday is on Thursday too) and she is now really needing her own space - something that poor Elias just does not get. A hasty retreat to her room seems to be the trend just now, and the early birthday gift of a stereo (CD player) is getting a lot of use already.

We have also been planning and then having to re-assess work on the house - we've scaled back the work for now and expect the bath/tiles/shower replacement to begin next week. (walls will remain where they are just now - when Robin gets a job, then maybe they'll go) Oh I can't wait to not have to shower on a duckboard, and keep having tiles fall off the walls - the kids have been great but they are both looking forward to having baths again, Robin too.

All in all, it's been hard to finish a thought. Let along grab the time to blog.

We hope to enjoy the two birthday's coming up, maybe there'll be photos to share by the weekend.........


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