Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Funny Valentine

So yesterday was Valentines day, some would no doubt say a good chance for card companies to make a buck - but I say another opportunity to tell the one you love how special they are (and are they really going to tire of hearing that??? NO!)

Our day was not really all that fuzzy and romantic, Robin was more than a little sleepy when I gave him a card and a fab fluffy white bathrobe that I've searched high and low to find. And of course he was working so there was not the time for a leisurely breakfast, just honey toast for my Valentine.

He made sure the kids had a little chocolate treat and card, and I was thrilled with roses and sweets that spelled out 'I Love You' - too cute to eat really!

Plus I had a dentist appointment for me and the kids - which I was not looking forwards to, and a speech therapy appointment for Elias in the afternoon. Not my idea of fun, back to back STRESS!

We were happy to tuck the kids in bed and enjoy Pad Thai noodles for our dinner by candlelight. Really yesterday was a stressful 'family on the go' sort of a day, we just made sure there was a little more time than usual to be a little romantic.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Mid term break

Those of you either without kids, or with kids of pre-school age may not know that this is mid term break (or for those of you with old style terms, half term)

So we've a week ahead of us to fill, annoyingly tomorrow is full of dentist and speech therapy appointments, but otherwise we have time to spend.

This morning was spent doing various valentine's themed craft activities - we have pretty heart adorned windows now which is rather lovely. Elias, being all boy was not particularly intersted but has made some very high towers instead (oh how I love Duplo!)

Other things I have in mind to do are a visit to the library, swimming (if the kids are over their colds!) a movie with friends, and probably a visit to a local garden centre which also has animals to see. I have not got particularly big plans as we all seem utterly worn out by a run of colds and bad sleep. My hope is that we can have a rest, and the kids will be back to full strength for school next week.

What are other people up to?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I shopped and my bags were full....

And I spent just £32!

Mum & I went to Primark this morning, the store had been open about a half hour when we got there - and was busy but not heaving. Thankfully it has been laid out well and seems bright and airy even when obviously busy.

It was all I hoped, huge ranges at tiny prices - we have nothing in Oxford like it. It was hard not to go quite mad and buy half the shop - I kept having to tell myself that the shop will still be there next time I go into town! Mum resisted the shoes, which for her was quite something - she bought a few bits and spent just £6.

What did my £32 get me?

2 pairs of cord trousers for Elias
1 pair of cord trousers for me
1 pair of jog bottoms
2 extra large towels
1 bag
2 pillowcases

So many bargains!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The big opening

Primark opens in Oxford tomorrow at 9am. Three guesses where I'll be.

No doubt I'll be commenting on this momentous occasion soon......

Dinosaur challenge

Today I was playing a silly game with my nephew, we ended up trying to outdo each other with our knowledge of different dinosaurs (a bit daft of me going against a 2 year old boy - he's bound to know more about dinosaurs than I do!)

But I surprised myself by actually remembering a fair few, not just the usual ones - which came from living with a dinosaur mad boy in America for a while! (but that was over 10 years ago!)

Here's a few I remember - do you know any more that'd impress us???

Arqueoptrix (ooh very questionable spelling!)

After that my mind has gone blank...... go ask your boys they're bound to know more than you!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bargain hunting genes???

Joy is off school today - I've been trying to get her to rest and get better from her cough. But I also needed to nip out and get some new shirts for Robin as he's been needing them so much.

So I did feel pretty guilty taking her over to Matalan - but you know I am glad I did. Initially my bargain radar was just plain not working. I was looking at very nice shirts, but at the more pricey end of the range with the nagging feeling I was missing the better priced ones.

I was! Joy came over from round the corner of a stand and offered me another one - lo and behold there was a gorgeous yellow sale sticker on it! Turned out she'd found a pile of them, which I had totally missed! So we filled a basket and Robin can sort through them later when he gets home. I've found so few bargains of late - it felt good coming home with a large bulgy bag of bargains!!

But I can't take the credit, Joy was the one who sniffed them out, and I'm told she was invaluable to 'Santa' just before Christmas too. Bargain hunting must be in the genes surely??!