Crazy Laws
Saw this today, some of these are just plain daft but they made me laugh out loud - I am sure there are piles more, know any?
Ice skaters in Frankfurt, Germany are subject to a speed limit of 50mph.
Legislation was passed in the early 1900's in Florida banning unmarried women from going parachuting on Sunday.
A law in Kentucky states that locals must bathe once a year.
Edward VI decreed that everyone must walk to Church on Christmas day - although this law is still on the statute books it's not enforced!
It is an offence for women of 'ill repute or evil looks' to enter a cheese factory in Ferrara, Italy.
In the Canadian province of Quebec, margarine and butter must be different colours
Bird lovers in New Zealand, passed a law stating that all cats are to wear at least three bells when they are outdoors, to stop them catching birds!
It's illegal in New Jersey to slurp soup in a restaurant 'to the annoyance of other customers'.
(Taken from the book 'Laws and Disorders' and 'Crazy Laws and Lawsuits' by Robert Allen)