Secret to a long, happy marriage?
A kingsize duvet.
(regardless of whether you have a king size bed or not)
Somewhat disorganised thoughts on life, family, shopping, films, and other things in my life.
A kingsize duvet.
We've had a couple of days when our plans just do not seem to have come together - our intention had been to spend some time with the kids, out having fun. But each time we've been thwarted! This has made for a rather grumpy family - we've all been a bit less patient with each other and fed up.
Thanks to all who offered their sympathies over the death of our family TV. Whilst it had a special place in our hearts - it has now been replaced.
Anyone who has perused my blog has probably cottoned on to the fact that we enjoy movies, and a few choice TV series - in fact, there is nothing like having the kids in bed (asleep!) and sitting down all snuggly on the sofa to be transported off to another world, time or place courtesy of the wonderful telly box!
For those in the Oxford Area - news for you - Botley Homebase just got bigger, nicer, and better. They have re-vamped the store, and added an upstairs level too! We found this out when we visited on Saturday and bought us a GORGEOUS new king size leather bed ... Oooooh! (£500 down to £200) Sadly not listed on the website.
I found this today from ASDA - if you have one nearby, and fancy £10 off your home delivered shopping then give it a whirl. Sadly, our closest ASDA does not deliver, a bit of a pain really!
Yesterday was Joy's school photos - I sent her off to school in neat pigtails and all dressed nicely etc etc - the sample photo that came back with her showing a rumpled, fuzzy haired little girl that looked nothing like her! (We will NOT be buying any!)
The last post jogged my memory... There have been a few films we've seen lately that I'll just briefly comment on.
We had good friends over last night, and over a Thai takeout we all watched the John Travolta movie (among others!) movie, 'Be Cool'.