Monday, October 31, 2005

Secret to a long, happy marriage?

A kingsize duvet.

(regardless of whether you have a king size bed or not)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Christmas decoration tip

One thing I have mastered over the past couple of years is making a few simple decorations for Christmas. Perhaps the easiest, and cheapest is dried orange slices. They can be strung on fishing wire to make a garland, added to wreaths and table arrangements, using florists wire they decorate a tree beautifully, or pop in pot pourri to make it look Christmassy.

Dried orange slices

Choose large firm oranges. Slice thinly, and arrange on a baking tray trying not to overlap . (they stick together otherwise) Set the cooker on the lowest heat and leave to dry out, checking every hour to begin with. The trick is to let them 'cook' long enough to dry out completely, but don't burn. If they do not dry entirely they may not keep for long and go mouldy. If dried properly they can be kept after Christmas in an airtight container for months, or even years.

One thing they have over other decorations is that they are totally natural, they won't break and leave plastic or glass lying around (worrying for parents) and an inquisitive toddler can lick one and not come to any harm (one lick normally puts them off btw!)

Have a go!

Grumpy Family

We've had a couple of days when our plans just do not seem to have come together - our intention had been to spend some time with the kids, out having fun. But each time we've been thwarted! This has made for a rather grumpy family - we've all been a bit less patient with each other and fed up.

Until right now! After much muddiness in the back garden we have all migrated inside and Robin is playing on the game cube - being directed by both Joy & Robin. It's not at all what I thought would restore harmony again, but it has! For about an hour they have been happily collecting cookies and solving puzzles and jumping up and down when they've scared off heffalumps (they're playing the Piglet game) We don't get it out often, but it's a big hit each time we do, I'm just thrilled the noise level has reduced and everyone is happier!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Grandmother was on TV today!

Saved this post for the last today. Anyone who watched Central news this evening would have seen a piece on my Nana, Cynthia Watkins. (plus a few embarrassing old stills of me and my sisters and other family and friends!)

They had decided to do a feature on her because on Sunday afternoon we celebrated her life - in her company. I guess in a way like a funeral or memorial service whilst she is still with us. You see, she is terminally ill - and we know she'll not be with us for that much longer.

So, Nana decided that what she'd like to do is have all her friends and family with her and enjoy us all being there, and share in memories and fun - and why not?!

We all chatted about our personal memories of her as we've grown up, we toasted her - for all that she had been to us, and all this she was able to enjoy. What a brave, wonderful Nana I have - and how dear to her we all felt (and still feel)

I found this newspaper piece also.

(BTW I have looked on the Central news site - and there is no mention of it - if anyone has any more links then do please let me know)

New TV

Thanks to all who offered their sympathies over the death of our family TV. Whilst it had a special place in our hearts - it has now been replaced.

We are now widescreen (but not LCD or plasma!)

Trip to Ikea

It's half term - and so far we've barely left the house as Elias has had a stinking cold. We postponed a trip to Ikea yesterday but this morning I deemed the boy fit enough for the planned (and much looked forward to) trip.

We loaded, my two kids, my good friend and her baby into the car and set off just after 9am this morning - and we got there with no problems from the London traffic (yipee!)

First thing that threw me was that they had moved it all around - the entrance has moved significantly and the layout - although still using the planned route through was a little modified.

So we were testing the comfy chairs, sofas and went through to the beds - all the time being wowed by the prices - when disaster!

Joy and Elias were sat on a bed with a mosquito net draped over it, giggling. No harm there I thought, they'd obviously banked on kids doing that. What I had not banked on was the shoddy way in which it had been put up - suddenly the net came down - bringing a strip light that it looked to be attached to with it.

You can imagine that the kids sprang off the bed in fright pretty sharpish - both offering profuse apologies. After I had checked them over, and was satisfied they were in fact just fine, a member of staff appeared, someone who had seen it had found her. She was a bit bemused, but did ask that the kids were okay.

It's only in hinesight that I wonder if I should have made some sort of complaint, I was so relieved the kids were okay I thought it best to keep on to the kids area for a bit of fun. But, maybe if I'd complained they would take a bit more care over fixtures and fittings to avert another accident in the future?

Anyway, the rest of our visit was pretty straightforward and fun - although I was worn out when we got home. I think these were my star buys today. Great price - happy bums!

(I was a bit grumpy that a couple of perfect pieces of furniture were reduced in the bargain corner, but wouldn't fit in our car though!)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Viewing Disaster!

Anyone who has perused my blog has probably cottoned on to the fact that we enjoy movies, and a few choice TV series - in fact, there is nothing like having the kids in bed (asleep!) and sitting down all snuggly on the sofa to be transported off to another world, time or place courtesy of the wonderful telly box!

Well, last week disaster struck. Our TV had been doing a couple of funny things of late but we'd not been too worried - until, on Thursday, the picture started to shrink suddenly - then it turned in on itself and with a small flourish - the picture was gone for good. It won't do a thing now - so we moved the tiny TV/DVD combi in to the large space the TV used to occupy (Which looks daft as it's SO small!) and are 'making do'.

Only, I don't think we can for long.... we watched Lost last night, and were leaning in to make sure we didn't miss anything, it was silly! And I keep catching Elias with his nose almost touching the screen - he's clearly used to a larger set and is a bit bemused by the small one!

Yesterday we went to have a brief look at TV's to get an idea of what type we'll replace our CRT with - oh boy that was dangerous! We left the store dreaming of HUGE £8000 plasma screens, when it's more likely we'll spend a couple of hundred and not chance a plasma, or LCD for that matter in the company of curious kids! Maybe one day....................

(this one is a 50" plasma.... Mmmmmmm!)

Friday, October 14, 2005

New James Bond

Well, the speculation is over - it's official, the Next Bond is this man, Daniel Craig. He apparently arrived at the press conference this morning in a speed boat (Sadly the life jacket was not very 'spy')

What do people think? Personally, I think he could potentially be a fabulous Bond - perhaps more gritty than Mr Brosnan, with a strangely attractive quality that I can't quite pin down.... but let's face it - anyone is better than Roger Moore!

How Funny??!!!

I just had to 'steal' this from Wendy's blog - it made me laugh SO much!!!! Apparently 6 year olds were given half the proverb - they came up with the rest!

Strike while the ..........................insect is close.
Never underestimate the power of............ants.
Don't bite the hand that....................looks dirty.
Better to be safe than......................punch an older boy.
It's always darkest before..................Daylight-Saving Time.
You can lead a horse to water
No news is..................................impossible.
A miss is as good as a......................Mr.
You can't teach an old dog new..............maths.
Love all,
The pen is mightier than the................pigs.
An idle mind is.............................the best way to relax.
Where there's smoke there's.................pollution.
Happy is the bride who.........................gets all the presents.
A penny saved is............................not much.
Two's company, three's...................... the Musketeers.
Don't put off till tomorrow put on to go to bed.
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry have to blow your nose.
Children should be seen and not.............smacked or grounded.
You get out of something only what you......see in the picture on the box.
If at first you don't succeed...............get new batteries.

Kids are so funny!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


For those in the Oxford Area - news for you - Botley Homebase just got bigger, nicer, and better. They have re-vamped the store, and added an upstairs level too! We found this out when we visited on Saturday and bought us a GORGEOUS new king size leather bed ... Oooooh! (£500 down to £200) Sadly not listed on the website.

You may be interested to note that they also have a lot of furniture upstairs - that you can take a look at, and they are doing the same furniture as Argos. If you're like me, you prefer to see it before you buy it, and sometimes the pictures just aren't enough!

I'd love to post a pic of the new bed - but sadly do not have a camera at my disposal just now!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Useful info

I found this today from ASDA - if you have one nearby, and fancy £10 off your home delivered shopping then give it a whirl. Sadly, our closest ASDA does not deliver, a bit of a pain really!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bad hair month!

Yesterday was Joy's school photos - I sent her off to school in neat pigtails and all dressed nicely etc etc - the sample photo that came back with her showing a rumpled, fuzzy haired little girl that looked nothing like her! (We will NOT be buying any!)

I also noticed how desperate she was for her fringe to be cut - you can barely see her beautiful blue eyes under it. And I've been grappling with fuzzy hair ends myself of late - as my hair is well past 'just a trim' and more in the realms of taking the shears or hedge trimmer to it.

But I always find it hard to decide just what to do - especially with Joy's hair, the problem seems to be that her hair looks messy alll the time. For myself, I think lots of layers to thin out the heaviness is in order, and much less length. ( It takes ages to dry as it is!)

I know this could be dangerous but any suggestions??????

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Bad Movies

The last post jogged my memory... There have been a few films we've seen lately that I'll just briefly comment on.


Lacked substance, plot, good actors. Jennifer Garner pouting a lot. Not worth watching really!

Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow

Oh, what a waste! It had real potential, and the CGI effects could have made this movie great - but they didn't. Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow lacked any spark, and both their charachters were pretty flat. The plot... well, that too was pretty naff - but I can see how it could have been great, there were brief moments when you would suddenly think oh, it's really going somewhere now - but didn't.
I Did like the whole 1940's futuristic feel of the movie - but just that was not enough to engage an audience for the film's duration.

Be Cool

We had good friends over last night, and over a Thai takeout we all watched the John Travolta movie (among others!) movie, 'Be Cool'.

Many of you will already know that this was the sequel to 'Get Shorty' - now erm, a good few years old (10 actually) That film was pretty funny, and fresh as there was not really anything like it. 'Be Cool' however was not a patch on it. Whilst there were many funny moments - they seemed like they were all strung together to keep you watching as the story was lame at best. A couple of the characters were very funny, the gay afro-sporting bodyguard being the one that springs to mind quickest - but the film lacked substance somehow.

We had a great night, but it had far more to do with the great people who spent it with us - and not a great deal to do with the movie. If you do fancy seeing this movie, you will laugh - but will probably finish it disappointed at the end. (So why not grab some good friends and a bottle of wine instead!)