Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Just a brief post on the floods. You may be aware that our region is presently being hit very hard with floods - for most of the weekend we were pretty much stuck in the village as all the roads out were under water. Where we are is now fine - roads are mostly opened again.

Also just wanted to mention that the worst it got for us was a drippy conservatory, and a slightly hairy journey home for Robin on Friday.

Oxford though is under water - Botley and Osney seem particularly hard hit, and are totally flooded. Witney is drying up, though strewn with sandbags and spoilt carpets left outside. The car parks are mostly full of water and not cars which is a bit weird.

Our biggest problem now is that Robin's route to work remains either flooded, or closed whilst they clean up debris. Going out and doing lots of summer activities with the kids is pretty much a no-no as it's difficult to keep up with which roads are open, and which are closed.


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