Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sleep Erosion

I don't think I have mentioned, Robin has been away for the past week in up-state New York. I guess I have probably negelected to mention it before now as I have had my hands full managing single-handed with the kids and home.

I have not been helped out by an odd collection of things keeping me from a good night of sleep. So I woke up this morning again, TIRED!

First culprit was Joy, who for the first few mornings was waking up at 5am, I kept finding her playing on her Nintendo DS (lite) and her hamster, wide awake in bed. Sadly, for me, I was unable to get back to sleep after that.

Then the sickness hit - Elias suddenly started acting funny, and before I twigged what was wrong there was sick everywhere. And it just kept coming, all night long, and all the next day, and night! We took a trip to the Doctors to check he wasn't too dehydrated, and true to form, that is when he turned the corner and started to get better! (Phew!)

Friday night was the only good night of sleep I've had, from being utterly shattered! And much to my great surprise I woke up at almost nine in the morning! (the kids also slept late which is not at all like them.)

Last night though was utterly frustrating. I admit I didn't rush to bed as soon as the kids were down, I had a backlog of things I had to do, but to bed I went, not expecting any more interruptions. But an hour or so later, I woke to this squealing and wailing - and it was initially rather confusing - it was a baby crying. And I don't have one of them!!!!

I figured out that the grandchildren must be staying next door, and one of them was certainly not happy - I was woken up a few more times, each time I think because I know I am the only one here to deal with my kids so I probably am not sleeping so deeply. And I just did not go back to sleep until that baby stopped crying. Which it did... eventually.

Tonight I'll go to bed, as usual, hoping that tonight it all stops, and I get some sleep.

I've still got till next Saturday before Robin is home, briefly, before going to the Netherlands.


At 8:43 pm , Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry about your sleep sweetie. Hope we'll both be ok for our anniversary!!


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