I just realised that it has been a really long time since I last posted. Over two months which previous to the summer would have been unthinkable! So to all those who dip in every now and then - I guess an explanation might be helpful.
I blame it all on
I was probably one of the most cynical about
facebook's benefits until I joined in. But now I am finding it just as compulsive as everyone else. It is such an easy way to re-connect with people that you've fallen out of touch with, and keeping up
wth friends and family all over the globe is now easier and fun. I do agree with it's critics that a large part of it is essentially a waste of time, but I myself have found it a great tool, and I pick and choose which things I sign up to, tailoring it to the way I want to use it.
I do wonder how many people will actually read this - it is more likely I'll hear from you on