Friday, May 26, 2006

Gearing up for a BIG weekend

It will be no surprise to anyone reading this to learn that this weekend we will be moving - over the next 3 days we will empty our rented house and fill our newly bought one!

The piles of boxes are growing, and big things are happening, like the kids last day in school. This afternoon they will say 'goodbye's' so I'm expecting some mixed emotions from Joy in particular. And we are at the tail end of celebrating Elias's birthday so we'll have family over tonight that we couldn't see yesterday. All this and packing too!

Please bear in mind that we'll probably be offline for a few days - and communicating with us may be tricky as we'll not be in one place for all that long! I look forward to blogging again in my new house!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Today is the 25th of May. Notable in our house for many important reasons.

The first one is that today it is the anniversary of the day Robin and I met, and we've been together ever since - ten years ago!!!!!!!

Secondly, it is Elias's birthday - and he is 4. I can't believe that my youngest child is now so old! It's bizarre. So far it has been a Thomas the tank engine sort of birthday - he's already got the track out and is now having a birthday breakfast of boiled eggs, a favorite of his.

Thirdly, Antony and Sarah, will have been married for 4 years today as well - and because of our little guy turning up on their wedding day we did not make it (something we still are pretty sad about) So congratulations to you two - I hope you are able to celebrate your anniversary.

And fourthly, today is Elias's great Grannie's birthday too. So we have 2 birthday's and 2 anniversary's to celebrate - it makes for a very busy day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pictures of the house (as requested)

Elias outside our house! Posted by Picasa


So we're moving. At this point there is not a tidy place in either house as things are being taken over from the old to the new place, and as wallpaper stripping and other decorating bits are being done.

At the old place it is box city - they are piled high - all clearly labeled and most importantly with a note on each to say if they are heavy or not (Guess who is hoping to be lifting the light ones!) And there are the odd bits and pieces that just don't seem to fit in with other things - or have missed their deisgnated box, so the odd bit of Paymobil is lurking or a marble that has been found under a sofa. I've resolved to have an 'odd bits' box saved to the last minute where they will all go.

Today I'm tackling a most annoying job - defrosting freezers. The problem I have is that one of them cannot be turned off and as result takes HOURS to do. So I started that at 7:30 this morning and am just finishing now! (10:15!!!) When this one is done I transfer the food to it, and defrost our freezer ready to move - thankfully that can be unplugged so is more straightforward.

One thing very much on my mind is our need to buy a fridge and washing machine - problem being that we have to replace the kitchen and they may not 'go' - rather annoying but I simply can't wait without either for very long at all. Odd to think that 60 years ago both were not commonplace.

Well, the freezer beckons, as do my boxes etc etc......... I am keen to move as soon as I can, I am one very happy home-owner (with a whole lot to do!)

I have been told off by a number of people for not posting pictures of the new place - hopefully I can take a few in the next few days so you can see the rather interesting decoration, and our progress in changing it!

Friday, May 19, 2006

We've waited a long time for this day.

So the day has finally arrived - we got the call this morning to inform us that all the money is in the right places.

We have bought our house!

Going to pick up the keys in a bit and start on the big job of making it ours.

I am sure pictures of our progress will start appearing in the next few days on our blogs. Friends and family who need our new address and phone number, just drop us an email.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Silly Quiz

I just tried the funny personality type quiz on Spacebats and this is apparently my result...

n.b. not sure if this will actually work as I've not tried to add in this type of thing before...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My girl - the artist

Last term Joy was learning about the rainforest - this is a really gorgeous and colourful picture she painted as part of her work. I think it's certainly a candidate for framing up. And certainly for sharing with any who stumble across my blog. Posted by Picasa

Choosing a new bed

After the collapse of the last bed, we needed a swift replacment - we piled off to Ikea and all helped choose a new one as you can see! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Big Exchange

Today was a big day - now we've been keeping pretty quiet on our blogs about this, not wanting to give too much away so you might not have known that we found a house a little while ago - and have been going through all the prep in order to buy it (our first house!!!!!!)

Today, it all became a bit more real - we exchanged contracts and hope to complete the sale on the 19th. That's just 2 weeks away.

We've waited a long time for this and are so excited, we are also a little daunted though as the house is in need of a lot of renovation - you may be called upon if you have useful DIY skills in the coming months, we'll need all the help we can get!

Watch this space for updates......