Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Ebay is top of the shops for home furnishings

I am a recent convert to Ebay, and I don't mind admitting that I am slightly addicted now. The buzz you get from making money on items you're selling is only equalled by the elation of being the winning bidder on something you really wanted! 

So I made a commitment to myself, and our bank account, that I would only spend what I have earnt, otherwise I think the temptation would be far too great with all those goodies on offer! Thing is, it is a very useful constraint as you only buy what you actually want or need, and don't get caught in the trap of buying anything and everything.

So far I have bagged some delicious bargains. probably my favourite being 2 gothic arched mirrors for just £29, a fraction of what they would have cost me new in a shop. Nobody has walked past them without passing some comment on their charm! But also I did manage to pay just 99p for 4 coffee tables - 2 I did give away, but the remaining 2 have been sanded back and are enjoying a new lease of life - and I am feeling very smug for having paid so little.

Do beware though of losing your heart to something but not sticking to your final price - that is the price you won't pay above - I must admit that I have done this once, and whilst I am happy with the purchase, I have that sneaky feeling that I did overpay which does take the edge off! Oh, and always bear in mind the price including postage, or the hassle it will be to pick it up - that has been the deciding factor in many things I have had my eye on!

My one moan is that I really enjoy getting each transaction complete, and so few people leave feedback promptly!

Sorry to sound like a bit of a bore - but I also think that Ebay makes perfect sense in these financially challenging times, I'll bet most of us have stuff that we own but never ever use! Plus surely this is a slightly greener way of consumerism, as it is re-distributing things rather than creating demand for new? 



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