Saturday, April 21, 2007

Being left behind (to look after Pinsley)

Tomorrow Joy is off on her Isle of Wight trip, we've been busy packing her bag and backpack and trying to soothe her nerves. Robin is off tomorrow too - to the Netherlands. So we've more packing to do for that too.

Elias and I are going to be left all on our own, to look after the house and hamster. I can't think when the house will have been so oddly empty before now. I think Elias will be a bit thrown, and possibly upset that his two favourite people are away - he's been very clingy with Robin of late as it is.

The positives are that I will have less to do, and won't have to get up for the morning school run. Though I suspect that Elias will need more entertaining without Joy here as a distraction!

I really hope Joy will have a fabulous experience away from home properly for the first time, and am keen for her to try her hand at the many activities thy have planned. Robin has less to look forwards to, just a couple of full on days with crucial presentations and meetings.


At 8:20 pm , Blogger wend said...

HI mate tell JOy her auntie wendy things shes a fabulous girl for being so grown up going away from home, and tell Elias he's a big brave boy for helping to look after Joy's hamster.


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