We Wii

On Saturday morning I sent Robin out to get a few bits for lunch and a couple of things I had reserved at Argos. He came back with them - plus a Wii!!!!!!! (a chance ask in a game store revealed one console lurking in the back which he was unable to resist)
I'd just like to point out that normally I would NOT condone a random expensive purchase like this - but I have known that he's been pretty desperate for one since mid last year, so it wasn't really that big a surprise.
We left it in it's box until the kids were in bed, then Robin (lovingly) assembled it, and set it all up.
My verdict?
It's compulsive, and excellent exercise - you really work up a sweat lunging for balls, whacking home runs or boxing. I have been really surprised that I really enjoy playing it - I've already become a bowling master (well almost!) and really enjoy running about (hardly improving) at tennis. Boxing is hilarious - you initially feel like a real numpty until you become so absorbed you make all kinds of funny faces, and being a spectator is a real giggle.
I have all kinds of slightly sore muscles, and already am looking forwards to a few games of tennis tonight, maybe a bit of bowling too... who knows! I may even try my hand at golf! I am thinking that it's got to be a good thing if it's getting this 'evening sofa dweller' more active.
(Sorry Robin for posting about this first!)